Thursday, January 10, 2013

Rotten Apple (opening)

Rotten Apple

            As I look back over the years of my past I see them unfold as spirals winding back into infinity.  In some years the seasons blend rapidly, the coils fitted snugly, one upon the other, like a tightly wound spring.  While in other years the coils stretch widely and flow loosely, one onto the next, like a ribbon just fallen from someone’s hair.  This marks the slowness with which they passed, for they are the years filled with sorrow and sadness, when time itself seemed to stand still and all the world moved around me, while I merely existed inside of myself.  A shell performing a daily routine so ingrained, so much a habit, that the only thing that really stands out in my memories of this time is the loneliness, the sadness of the empty ache inside. 
            Moving back along my ribbon of memories I reach a time when gaps begin to appear, spaces of emptiness along the spirals.  At first they are only short gaps, marking small sections of time, but the farther back I travel the larger the gaps, until entire seasons unfold with nothing to mark their passing, and while I know that I lived and that I WAS during these times, there are no memories to give acknowledgment of my existence.  I cannot help but wonder what is perhaps stored in my subconscious of this time.  

            The strongest memories call out to me, those of birthdays and holidays, the days of my children’s births.  There are of course also special memories that I pause to linger over - my wedding day, my graduation, even the day that I at last received my drivers license.  Then there are the private memories, such as my first kiss, or the first time I felt true sexual excitement, the fear and embarrassment associated with my first period, which is such a bittersweet time for a young girl.  All the seasons of my past, the waterfall and sunshine that has produced the garden of my life, and I think, ‘Where has it all gone?’  All of the dreams and plans, so carefully made, and then somewhere among life’s daily toils, so easily forgotten. 
            I was always going to BE and DO something important.  I grew up as women came of age and I believed there was nothing I could not do or be or conquer.  I learned to be outspoken and that a woman did not have to be subservient to a man or pretend to be less intelligent in order to win a provider, they could be the provider, could be equal.  However, I was looking for a utopian world, a world where men saw women for their abilities and their intelligence and not just their bodies.  Where women stood united and didn’t base their own self worth  on looks alone.  I was also foolish enough to believe that true love existed and that love based on mutual respect and common interests could withstand the tests of time. 
            How naïve I was!!  I didn’t realize what a truly large roll sex plays in the real world, selling everything from a movie ticket to beer and automobiles.  Nor had I any idea how hard a woman must work to be judged for who she is and what she is capable of instead of on whether she’s built like a Barbie doll.  I thought by speaking my mind I was showing my equality, instead I have been labeled with titles like opinionated, bossy, and even Bitch!  So, somehow, in spite of all of my ideals, my determination, my certainty of success, I never became anyone or anything but myself. 
“Footfalls echo in the memory
Down the passage we did not take
Towards the door we never open
Into the rose garden .   .  .  .
T.S. Elliott

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