Friday, January 11, 2013


            Life is a matter of choices, of left and right turns.  A journey for which there is no map and the clues given are subtle warnings that are seldom heeded.  Most think their lives will be somehow different from those that came before, so patterns are repeated over and over again, like the pattern woven into a bolt of fabric, repetitiously, again and again.  The threads may be of a different color, the shade slightly changed, but the pattern is the same. 
            I sometimes wonder what might have been had my choices been different, but I never allow the thoughts to linger for a wise man once said, “Be careful what you wish for.”  So I silently cross myself to ward off evil, for I would never trade parenthood and my three babies for any path not taken, nor any door unopened.  But in that brief moment that I do allow these thoughts to pass through my mind, I wonder if it wouldn’t have been wiser to have earned a BA before learning about diaper rash and baby shots, Little League and girl scout cookie sales, teacher conferences and Christmas pageants.  Would that have made me a better parent?  Probably not, but maybe it would have given me more confidence to have learned about ME before I relinquished my identity to become a Mommie. 
            Motherhood is all consuming, you surrender your own wants and needs to contend with the totally selfish demands of an infant and loose yourself in caring for this tiny person who is solely dependent upon you.  I recall one of my first lonely 2:00 a.m. feedings, as I looked down into the tiny face of my newborn, I was suddenly overwhelmed at the awesome, eternal responsibility of parenthood!  A feeling of desperation washed over me as I had never felt before as I truly realized for the first time what nine months of pregnancy had not prepared me for - PARENTING IS FOREVER!!  Unlike  anything else we choose to do in life, it truly is forever.  When we marry we promise to love, honor and cherish until death do us part, but as so many of us know, there are ways out of that, but you can’t divorce yourself from parenthood or decide to drop out because it’s not for you after all.  Oh, I know there’s always adoption but some how I feel that once a mother has looked upon a tiny newborn face, or felt the thrusts of tiny limbs within her womb, motherhood is with her forever.  Somewhere deep inside you change and even is someone else raises the child, you always know that somewhere out there is a speck of humanity, a breath of life that you are responsible for creating.  Creation, what a wondrous, overwhelming, marvelous thing!  So simplistically beautiful that we take it fore granted, and yet it is so awesomely miraculous! 
            So yes, parenthood is forever, beyond the terrible twos and the first day of school.  Beyond prom night and drivers ed, beyond the birth of your first grandchild even, you are always the parent, the elder generation.  It spirals off into the future, the unknown, just as the past spirals back into the darkness, to the beginning.  Each generation, each parent and child a part of the one that came before, merging, blending one into the other.  Flowing backward, margining into the sea of faces, of humanity, all a part of the great sea of life.  While we may search eternally for the meaning of life, still we procreate for in spite of our knowledge, our ability to splice genes and toy with genetics, to send rockets soaring into space and satellites to photograph other planets, we are still driven by instinct and hormones, by the age old need to blend those genes into new life and thus somehow feel we have gained a bit of eternity. 
            I have never believed that anyone is a ‘natural born parent’ although I suppose for some it comes easier than for others, but like learning the self control to stop a bad habit, it comes with time and effort.  I truly love being a mother but I won’t say it came easily.  I was very intimidated by my first newborn.  I read manuals and studied books and asked for advice wherever I could find it, weeding through the information to find the truly helpful tidbits.  It took awhile for me to realize that there is no one Right Way, in the end we must choose the way that seems best to us, what feels right, the most natural for us. 

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